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Digital Access & Equity Work


Nearly 20% of Wisconsin households do not have access to broadband internet service at home.


Reliable, affordable home wireless and phone access are essential resources for so many parts of our daily lives, including:

  • Accessing education and employment
  • Managing household finances
  • Obtaining health care services

United Way of Wisconsin and 211 Wisconsin are committed to promoting and supporting digital equity, and working to make home broadband and phone service more accessible in all corners of our state.


Our Work 

As part of our statewide portfolio, we are actively engaged in uplifting, supporting, and promoting enrollment in key assistance programs designed to increase digital access and equity, like the PSC Lifeline Program. Click on the Digital Resource Programs circle below for more information on Lifeline.






Digital Resource Navigation Through 211 Wisconsin


211 Wisconsin now offers 1:1 calls with a dedicated and trained Digital Resource Navigator who can provide:

  • Enrollment support for financial assistance programs including PSC Lifeline
  • Support identifying available internet/phone service providers and plans in your area
  • Follow up calls regarding referrals to discuss any issues or additional digital navigation needs
  • Calls arranged to meet your schedule

Click the button below to get connected to the Digital Resource Navigator. Once submitted, the Digital Resource Navigator will reach out within 5 business days.


Fill out the Digital Resource Navigator Connection Form



If you would like assistance, please call 2-1-1 or direct dial 833-882-0174 to leave a voicemail for 211 Wisconsin’s Digital Resource Navigator.


Digital Resource Training


United Way of Wisconsin is pleased to offer a virtual Digital Resource Training, available to community organizations and individuals who share our commitment to increasing digital access and equity and are interested in becoming local leaders in that work. Help spread awareness and enroll eligible people in their own communities in digital resources, and building capacity by training others to do the same.


If you or your organization are interested in requesting a training from UWWi staff, please fill out the below form.


Request A Training



Digital Resource Programs


PSC Lifeline

The Lifeline program provides low-income Wisconsin residents affordable access to essential telecommunications services by discounting the cost of phone, cell, and internet services. 


How To Get Lifeline

You need to talk to a Lifeline provider. Many, but not all, cellular and traditional telecommunications providers offer Lifeline. Many internet service providers (ISPs) may offer Lifeline, or discounted service like Lifeline.


How Much Money Can I Save with Lifeline? 

This depends on which type of service(s) you have, but your discount could be up to $18.50 per month. Alternatively, your provider may give you some number of free calls, texts, and broadband per month. Your service provider can tell you what forms of Lifeline it offers. 


More details and information on who is eligible can be found on the PSC website.


If you would like assistance in identifying available internet/phone service providers or help in the enrollment process, please call 2-1-1 or direct dial 833-882-0174 to leave a voicemail for 211 Wisconsin’s Digital Resource Navigator. Or, please fill out this form. Once submitted, the Digital Resource Navigator will reach out within 5 business days.


The Affordable Connectivity Program

The Affordable Connectivity Program stopped accepting new applications and enrollments on February 7, 2024. 


More information is available here For assistance in identifying digital resources beyond those listed above, or any other resource needs, please call 211.


Local Digital Access Efforts


United Ways across Wisconsin are partnering with United Way of Wisconsin on digital access, and promoting their own programs and resources. Below is a list of United Ways in Wisconsin working locally on digital access:

If your local United Way is actively engaged in digital access work and you are not noted above, please reach out to Kelcie McElhenie.



United Way of Wisconsin is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the United States.

EIN: 39-1609340

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